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Presentatie over UEFI

De presentatie over UEFI, die tijdens de CompUfair van 18 april 2015 door Hans Lunsing werd gegeven, is hier te downloaden. Deze presentatie sluit aan bij zijn artikelen in de SoftwareBussen 2015-1 en 2015-2 (beide pdf) over UEFI, Secure Boot en GPT en de wijze waarop Linux dit alles ondersteunt.


Software voor UEFI

De EFI bootmanager rEFInd van, aangevuld met EFI shells van en EFI tools uit het Linux pakket efitools van James Bottomley kunt u hier downloaden.

Nuttige links met informatie over UEFI

UEFI (de Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is de moderne opvolger van het aloude BIOS, dat al lang niet meer tegen de huidige hardware is opgewassen. Hoewel computers al sinds 2006 met UEFI worden geleverd draaide UEFI veelal in compatibiliteitsmodus, waarin het zich gedroeg als een ouderwetse BIOS.  Pas met de komst van Windows 8 in 2012 kwam daaraan een eind. Computers worden nu standaard met een functionele UEFI geleverd.

Linux ondersteunt UEFI en zijn voorganger EFI al vanaf 2000 met de bootloader elilo, de EFI variant van lilo. Vanaf 2008 ondersteunt ook de tegenwoordig gebruikelijke bootloader Grub UEFI. Vanaf versie 3.3 van begin 2012 kunnen de Linux kernels zelfs rechtstreeks als UEFI applicaties worden geboot.

Hier volgen een aantal webpagina's waarop nuttige informatie over UEFI en wat dies meer zij kan worden gevonden. Helaas alleen in het Engels.

Officiële website UEFI Forum The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Forum. The UEFI Forum is the group responsible for developing, managing and promoting UEFI specifications. Further information about the UEFI specification and membership opportunities can be found throughout this Web site. This page is a quick introduction to EFI for Linux users, including advice on getting started installing Linux to such a computer. Unfortunately, EFI is a dense topic; the EFI software itself is complex, and many implementations have system-specific quirks and even bugs. Thus, I cannot describe everything you'll need to know to install and use Linux on an EFI computer on this one page. It's my hope that you'll find this page a useful starting point, though, and links within each section and in the References section at the end will point you toward additional documentation. The way EFI computers boot is very different from the way older computers based on the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) boot. The EFI boot method is much more flexible and, in theory, easier to configure than is the BIOS boot method. I've written this set of Web pages with the goal of explaining some of the basics of the EFI boot methods, most notably including how to install and manage EFI boot loaders, and how to deal with Secure Boot.
UEFI boot: how does that actually work then? This blog post by Adam Williamson is intended to dispel a few common myths and help regular people understand UEFI a bit better. What I mostly want to talk about is bootloading, because that’s the bit of firmware that matters most to most people, and the bit news sites are always banging on about and wildly misunderstanding.
Intel information about UEFI for developers Defining the Interface Between the Operating System and Platform Firmware. Information and Training Materials.
UEFI for developers (U)EFI or (Unified) Extensible Firmware Interface is a specification for x86, x86-64, ARM, and Itanium platforms that defines a software interface between the operating system and the platform firmware/BIOS. This page offers a lot of information about it.
Microsoft about UEFI Some considerations when deploying Windows on Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)-based devices.
ArchLinux about UEFI This page explains what is UEFI and UEFI support in Linux kernel.
openSUSE about UEFI About UEFI and Secure Boot in relation to openSUSE.
Fedora about UEFI This page attempts to explain some of the things to take into consideration when installing Fedora on systems with UEFI firmwares. It is not a comprehensive description of UEFI theory or practice, but an attempt to provide the most basic information you may need to know.
Ubuntu about UEFI This page provides information about installing and booting Ubuntu using EFI, as well as about switching between EFI mode and legacy BIOS mode using Ubuntu.
Ubuntu wiki: EFIBootLoaders The table lists known features found in current EFI/UEFI capable boot loaders and boot managers. (Note: Boot managers present a menu of boot options, whereas boot loaders load a kernel. Many programs can do both tasks, although rEFIt and rEFInd can load a kernel only if it includes an EFI stub loader.). Further information: Booting from EFI, KERNEL configuration, and References.


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